Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cloud Computing and Data Masking Techniques

Question: Discuss about the Cloud Computing and Data Masking Techniques. Answer: Introduction: Could base, is an application service made available, on demand by users through the internet also regarded as cloud computing.by the fact that users can back up their data in the cloud, with no limitation of space, and can access it from anywhere anytime. Through the implementation of remote servers, which are hosted online. They have the ability to process, manage, and provide unlimited storage. (Rittinghouse, Ransome, (2016). According to Garg, et al. (2013). The cloud solution comes in three types depending on the user needs. That is the:- Software as a Service, (SaaS), it is an end-user platform where the vendor provides limited access. This type of cloud computing, users are only able to access some of the application features while the rest, are provided for as a pay per use activity. Platform as a Service, (PaaS) a developed access and manipulation of data ability, this is achieved with the availability of programming languages, operating systems, web servers and the high capacity database for the users. An example of this type is the Google app engine. The platform is common for developers in the technology sector. The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Which provides its customers with basic web architecture like servers and the database.to which the users dont need to buy and maintain the resources. It provides a structure similar to the traditional system. But with much flexibility and management control over the resources. The other type of cloud computing is based on the IAAS platform (Arora, et al. (2013). So as to acquire the services, the cloud computing requires: Heterogeneous Systems Support -The solution not only lowers the hardware and software cost, but it also requires modern, speedy and sophisticated equipment. With an efficient integration of the old network used by the clients, so that the cloud solution can deliver its services to the maximum. Service management-For the cloud computing solution to adequately provide a stable output, It is crucial that supervisors have a simple tool for outlining and measuring service assistances. A service offering is a calculated set of services and systems that end users receive by the vendor. These services include a billing system, resource management, and mostly a support guarantee. Security-This comes along with the fact that cloud computing is a risky practice. Because if the cloud-based information storage is compromised, probably all the resources and users of the server are all at risk. For the security to be maximized in the data center infrastructure must be structured in a security based ground, in terms of every network application and service in the whole system must have a fitted security solution(Almorsy, et al. (2016) Integration Monitoring- The application requires a control node with integration managing ability. This is done to maintain a smooth flow of data in the system, by notifying when a server is overloaded and when network conditions are negatively affecting the communication performance. Through the implementation, the node is able to manage real-time conditions without requiring bracing of correspondence that would be needed in the traditional monitoring system. Avram, (2014) argues that the most significant advantage that the cloud-based solution develops, it is that it brings down the cost of running a business. With regards to less administration cost, power charges, air conditioning machines, and the fact that there are no premises to rent so as to create room for the servers, as the old method requires. By this, the businesses are able to maximize on profits as the cloud system works even better with greater services that the physical servers previously used. Reliability- with a well-managed service platform, most of the providers of the cloud computing services, provide a 24hour availability system all round the calendar. Through this businesses are able to receive all the IT resources in quick secession as even if the servers fail. The stored date and applications can be transmitted to another server to create availability to the clients. This is created by the flexibility of the system. Manageability-The infrastructure platform develops a simplified managing structure with ease in maintenance by the fact that the system provides a central administration point of resources and vendor managed infrastructure. Where the providers maintain, updated and manage the whole process, with the users only enjoying the better service, current software, and applications on their platform. Unlimited storage- with the cloud-based service user dont need to worry about storage space compared to the traditional server infrastructure. Which also lowers the effects of data loss for an unlimited time. Easy access to data- So long as one is registered and they are able to connect to the internet. Then their information and other resources are available at any place any time. This brings about flexibility and convenience on how people or businesses transact their activities easily and quickly. Fast development- when one is registered with a cloud computing provider, they are able to connect and receive or transact all their operations efficiently, though this depends on the kind of hardware put in place by the individual. The registration and activation process cannot take more than 24 hours. Compared to the other forms of storage and data processing infrastructures, Technical problems- even though the data is transmitted and received anywhere anytime, one has to have a strong internet connection so as to receive the services effectively. Also, the services develop technical issues, like failure to respond to commands, or slow performance even if the network connection is stable(Zhang, et al. (2010). This kind of problem occurs to everyone, even the best providers of the service safer the same, which narrows down to technology which is prone to outrages effects. Security this develops as the individual of company submits their sensitive information to a third party company who provided the cloud services. Which in turn increases the risk of information liking and sharing. The other issue is that as security increases its intensity with security boundaries, the hackers also develop their skills too. Intensifying the security loopholes and bleachers even more (Rittinghouse, Ransome, (2016). Inflexibility- most of the service providers in the cloud system tend to lock in customers to the company. Making it even harder for customers to switch from on provider to another, even thou the vendor provides poor services while there is an alternative to better services. The vendors use proprietary application software and hardware so as to achieve the lock in ability. Poor customer service- one of the biggest complaints that cloud service customers complain of are that the poor service provided by the vendors in the industry. For instance, one could be having a problem to log into their account, and even after contacting the provider, the solution may take hours before it is solved. Cost comparison- for the cloud service, it is cheap to install and develop in the working area. But on the other hand, users continue to pay for the services always rendered, unlike the traditional information system which is a one time pay. Some features that users are charged for are also irrelevant for the business operation with a lot of limited features in the system, but yet the vendor requires payment from them. As opposed to the software model which provides more features and system control at no extra cost. Reliability- even after complying with all measures put in place by the service providers. The vendor, on the other hand, cant provide a 100% assurance that they are able to provide all the data one has stored on their servers. The other issue is that the fact that one depends on another people activates so as to operate their business brings in a significant risk of the failure. For example, if the provider goes out of business? Or there is a safety hazard at their company, and their backups are destroyed? The predictive analytics on the SDLC of Cloud Computing When developing, planning, information search and mostly decision making the predictive method come as an important tool in the development cycle so as to improve the customer's experience and also plan for future activities or implementations(Talukder, Prahalad, (2009). This is because of the following benefits:- The process allows the developers to measure the progress attained in the process. It also creates a stable platform for the requirements of the project. With the method also clearly defining the objectives of what the application system is intended to do, which creates a defined path for the developers to work towards attaining those goals .aAnd mostly the developing model is very easy to understand as each phase in the cycle, is completed each at a time. To which it lowers the overlapping problem. It is tough to implement changes in the application once the whole process is completed, which makes the model very lees flexible in the development cycle.it also brings in the problem of uncertainty and the probability of risks in the development cycle to be very high. This is because the model only doses the testing process after the full application system is prepared and complete. The lack of flexibility also degrades the design, as it is not a good practice to adopt when developing complex projects. Addictive analytics on the SDLC of Cloud Computing The development model practices a lot of caution by implementing risk analysis to which the risk is reduced. It also develops better documentation and approval for the client and the developer which reduces the crises between the two parties. The model makes it easy for new features to be added along the development of the whole application system (Garg, (2017). The main advantage of adopting the process is that the development cycle is that the application is produced earlier to the client before the expected period. The model process is a bit costly, compared to other developing patterns in the market. With the fact that the risk analysis takes in a lot of high specification practices in the process. The model is also not compatible with small projects that also require the customer specifications of the system. And also the project's success is mostly dependent on the risk analysis, which can easily erode the principal objective of the whole process, in terms of the systems targeted goals. It is a complicated approach to adopt when creating a system (Tran, (2017). Reference Dinh, H. T., Lee, C., Niyato, D., Wang, P. (2013). A survey of mobile cloud computing: architecture, applications, and approaches. Wireless communications and mobile computing, 13(18), 1587-1611. Rittinghouse, J. W., Ransome, J. F. (2016). 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In Internet Multimedia Services Architecture and Applications (IMSAA), 2009 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1-4). IEEE. Garg, S. (2017). Survey on Cloud Computing and Data Masking Techniques. Tran, H. T. (2017). A FRAMEWORK FOR MANAGEMENT OF CLOUD SERVICES (Doctoral dissertation, University of Technology Sydney).

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